How to Make 2017 Successful

Jan 3, 2017 in Success

2017 is the year of the come up. No matter what 2016 was like for you, this year is going to be just as successful if not more. We can all use a bit of motivation or maybe a gentle nudge to help us move forward positively.

Whether you fell off your goals last year or you’re looking to take that leap of faith this coming year, claim it and make it yours. If you want a thing bad enough and you’re willing to fight for it, plan for it, and make time for it then you’ll get it. There is no time like the present, so let’s make it happen. Use the three tips below to make 2017 your most successful year yet.


Write Your Goals Down

Create a vision board, make a list of your goals, or tape them to your mirror. Whatever you do, write down what you want to accomplish. According to a Harvard study, people who don’t write down their goals tend to fail easier than the ones who have plans. Therefore, start jotting those ideas and plans down! Make sure that the goals are specific, realistic and have deadlines. Don’t worry yourself if you miss a deadline, but use it as a guide to map your life out. Having these plans sets you up for success and makes your dreams your reality.

Do What Makes You Happy

It may sound cliche, but doing what makes you happy is very important. As I’ve gone through my career, happiness has always been a determining factor. As an entrepreneur or employee, you start to realize what you love and definitely things that you don’t love. The feeling of being stuck is debilitating at times, but don’t just talk about making change. It’s great to speak your dreams into reality, but you need to take action and alter your path to live a life of more freedom. Yes, we all have to work hard to get the things we want in life, but we don’t have to be distraught while doing it.

Life is a learning experience and you take lessons from everything that you do. Learn how to navigate your path and if you need help, ask for it! Most importantly, just do what makes you happy.

Don’t Burn Yourself Out

When you work on things that you’re passionate about, you don’t feel like it’s work. However, there is a need for balance and to take time away from the grind to center yourself again. Take this time, whether it be 5 minutes or a weekend getaway, and do something that makes you happy outside of work. This could be exercising or going outside to be in nature. Whatever your down time looks like, make sure to incorporate it into your schedule. Organization is paramount in my life, so I literally add my balanced activities to my calendar with alerts. This helps me actively remember to step away and not burn out. Sometimes the best ideas come when you aren’t looking for them.

Let us all incorporate these tips and make 2017 one of success and happiness.


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